September 25, 2023

Webinar Sponsored by Exum Instruments and presented by LCGC and Spectroscopy Media

Register (for free) to watch the Playback here.

Webinar Details:

-Title: "New Mass Spec Technique Provides Rapid Elemental Analysis of Battery Materials"

-Presenter: Jeffrey Williams, CEO/CTO of Exum Instruments

In this engaging presentation, Jeff Williams explores how the Massbox can revolutionize battery research, process control, and quality control. Discover how this cutting-edge Mass Spectrometry technique can provide rapid elemental analysis of battery materials, offering new insights and opportunities in your work.

Key Takeaways:

-Faster Battery Diagnosis: Learn how chemical imaging can expedite the identification of battery failures, enabling quicker and more reliable solutions.

-In-Depth Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of how the Massbox technology can benefit your research and analysis processes.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to enhance your knowledge and stay at the forefront of battery research.

Feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and fellow researchers. We look forward to having you join us for this enlightening presentation!

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